I chose Mission because it receives plenty of foot traffic and more often than not, I hear positive comments about the structure of the building. In general, it seems to be well-liked not for its aesthetics, but for its design.
After some reflection, Mission Hall is an example of good design for the following reasons:
- It has large windows to let in lots of light, so lighting is unnecessary when the sun is out. This conserves energy.
- The use of levels helps the dining hall look spacious while still providing room for a recreational area.
- The aforementioned recreational area also feels spacious, and makes efficient use of the space to have a basic kitchen suitable for the typical needs of a first-year student.
- The structure of the dining hall follows a straightforward path of travel that other dining halls do not reflect; there is no getting lost in this dining hall like there is in Whitman’s or Driscoll.
- The placement of tables allows for variation of different group sizes. Smaller tables work for smaller groups of students or even students by themselves, while big tables exist for larger groups, such as sports teams or entries.