Taken from Iris’s CSCI 376 Website:

“DUE: Sunday, 5/6 at 11:59pm

You will create a page on your Github User Page that synthesizes and reflects on all of the work you have accomplished throughout the semester. This webpage will be a Design Manifesto which reflects on the semester as a whole and outputs how it has impacted your design philosophy. By the end of this assignment, your Github User Page should contain:

  • Two pages for your Good Design / Bad Design Assignment.
  • One page for your Individual Project Proposal
  • One page for your Research Paper report
  • A prominent link to your Project Website.
  • One page containing your Design Manifesto.
  • Your Design Manifesto

You should do this individually.

Before you begin writing, think carefully about the following questions:

  • How did the design process impact the decisions you made? What were the most valuable pieces? Were there limitations to the design process that you encountered?
  • How did this differ across different modalities? For example, maybe user testing with your prototypes was more illuminating in one modality than another.
  • When did expectations not meet reality?
  • Were there some methods that were more challenging than others? What did you learn from this process?
  • Design is rarely divorced from our personal lens - our experiences, our expertise, our beliefs. These aspects all mold the applications of technology that you find exciting.

Together, these questions should guide you to at least 5 main points that define your design process (ethics + accessibility + ~3 others). To do this, imagine you must translate the processes/skills you gathered in this course to an entirely new scenario (let’s say Personal Informatics, or Information Visualization, or Augmented Reality). What are the important points that you would want to communicate to someone who hasn’t taken HCI before?

Your takeaways should be evidence-driven. That means that when you discuss these topics, you should frequently reference (and show examples of!) the project that you completed or relevant readings.

At least one of your main points should include your personal code of ethics and approach to incorporating accessibility for designing technological solutions.


  • Length: Roughly 1,500-2,300 words.
  • Clarity: Your manifesto should be cohesive in quality. There should be an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Does it read like 5 scattered ideas or do they come together to form a central thesis? Tell a convincing story!
  • Evidence-Driven: You should have a rich store of multimedia from your semester - videos, photos, etc. Each of your takeaways should be informed by the experiences from your project, so include visual references and/or videos (from the class) to what you are talking about. Your manifesto should also be supported by real design principles and ideas that you encountered throughout the readings this semester. Link to those pieces when you discuss them!


Post as a link to your Individual Course Webpage on the appropriate Slack channel.


This assignment will be graded on a scale of 14 points:

  • Clarity: (4 points)
  • Narrative (1 point for each main point): (5 points)
  • Evidence Support: (3 points)
  • Personal Website Content/Design: (2 points)

This Assignment is an adapted version of Evan Peck’s HCI Assignment at Bucknell University.


Design Manifesto