Taken from Iris’s CSCI 376 Website:
“DUE: Sunday 2/19 @11:59pm
Review the feedback you received on your submission to the Individual Project Proposal and revise your group project proposal accordingly. If you have formed a project group of exactly 3 people, you only have to turn in one revised proposal. Create a Project website on Github. This is similar to the way we created our Github User Page, but we’ll be publishing to the gh-pages branch, instead of the master branch. Whoever is creating the main repository should invite all teammates to be collaborators.
Make sure your Project Page includes:
- the name of your project group
- the names of the members of your project group (and links to their individual CSCI376 websites)
- the name of the person whose proposal you are adopting
- citations for any work that is not original work of one of your group members.
Make sure each individual’s Course webpage has a link to the Group Project website.
Your Project website should include a page for your revised Group Proposal, as well as a page for your Team Contract (in-class activity, see Team Contracts).
Design a logo that represents your team’s purpose and identity, and include it on the Project Webpage. We’re going to look at these logos (and critique!) in class on Monday.
No more than one page of text (approximately 500 words).
Images do not count against your page limit, and are therefore effectively free. You should embed images throughout your proposal, keeping them near the text that references them. The limit applies to the approximate amount of text you would have if all images were removed.
The main submission of your group proposal will be a website that all team members have the ability to modify (i.e., a beautiful-jekyll project page with teammates added as collaborators is fine).
This proposal will be graded on a scale of 20 points:
- Problem and Motivation: (5 points)
- Analysis of Problem: (5 points)
- Novelty and Creativity: (3 points)
- Report Clarity and Presentation: (3 points)
- Team Contract: (2 points)
- Team Logo: (2 points)”